As shadows follows series
Primary experience fades away as fictitious otherness blocks the light. In the hidden darkness constitutes the posing figure, the shadow leans against negative essence, waiting to be exposed at precise second. Non-identifiable conditions challenges the quick turn of the recognition, burning rigid gestures into ashes.
Night Conversation Series
Where is the foreign land that failed to be grasped, like the umbilical cord dried with dark red stains that always come back in our dream? Contingency relies on experiential present as much as the transportable past, relies on passionate loss as much as pragmatic possessions, relies on impulsive egoistic construction as much as distorted substitution.
Reverberating Apparitions Series
Decay is everywhere around us, it drops by when life delinquents, it kisses good-by when death starts the symphony. Its beauty and brutality is like grid entangled in the clouds, expelled translation thrown away with seeds, or abundant insomnia buried in alphabets, silent eyes being averted by lethargy, insatiable kinship‘s falling out of inadequacy… is Decay the imprint of life? Print is not copy of idea, idea is gesture of print.